Western Railway - Gujarat

46698135 supply of underframe brake gear bushunderframe brake gear bush,underframe brake gear bush no.2, size(mm): 52 o.d. x 42 i.d. x 30 long to rdso drg.no. wd 86006 s 1, alt 4 or latest, item no. 2 & material confirming to str no. wd 04 nylon bush 02 , read with latest amnd. [ warranty period: 30 months after the date of delivery ] [quantity tolerance (+/ ): 5 %age , item category : normal , total po value variation permitted: max 8 lacs ] ] => limited...

Western Railway - Gujarat

46598355 supply of nylon bushnylon bush,nylon bush for under frame brake gear to rdso drg.no.wd 86006 s 1, alt.no.4, under f rame brake gear bush at sr.no.1, size= 52 o.d. x 42 i.d. x 16 thk. & conforming to str.no. wd 04 ny lon bush 2002 [ warranty period: 30 months after the date of delivery ] ] => limited...

Western Railway - Gujarat

46122247 supply of nylon bushnylon bush,nylon bush for under frame brake gear to rdso drg.no.wd 86006 s 1, alt.no.4, under f rame brake gear bush at sr.no.1, size= 52 o.d. x 42 i.d. x 16 thk. & conforming to str.no. wd 04 ny lon bush 2002 [ warranty period: 30 months after the date of delivery ] ] => limited...

Western Railway - Gujarat

46032869 supply of bush for bogie brake gearbush for bogie brake gear,bush for bogie brake gear of casnub bogie to rdso drg. no. sk 69597 alt.42, item no. 5. material conforming to is: 5517 1993, reaffirmed 2019, grade 45c8, h/tempered. [ warranty per iod: 30 months after the date of delivery ] ]...

Western Railway - Gujarat

45714750 supply of nylon bushnylon bush,nylon bush for under frame brake gear to rdso drg. no.wd 86006 s 1, alt.no.4, unde r frame brake gear bush at sr.no.1, size= 52 o.d. x 42 i.d. x 16 mm thick & material conforming to st r. no. wd 04 nylon bush 2002. [ warranty period: 30 months after the date of delivery ] [quantity tolerance (+/ ): 5 %age , item category : normal , total po value variation permitt ed: max 8 lacs ] ]...

Western Railway - Gujarat

45563138 supply of nylon bush for under frame brake gearnylon bush for under frame brake gear,nylon bush for under frame brake gear to rdso drg.no.wd 86006 s 1, alt.no.4, under frame brake gear bush at sr.no.1, size= 52 o.d . x 42 i.d. x 16 thk. & conforming to str.no. wd 04 nylon bush 2002 [ warranty period: 30 months after the date of delivery ] ] => limited...

Western Railway - Gujarat

45324755 supply of bush for brake gear.bush for brake gear.,bush for brake gear to drg. no. tr/rs 662 r2, part no. 11. [ warranty period: 30 months aft er the date of delivery ] ]...

Western Railway - Gujarat

45220073 supply of nylon bush for under frame brake gearnylon bush for under frame brake gear,nylon bush for under frame brake gear to rdso drg.no.wd 86006 s 1, alt.no.4, under frame brake gear bush at sr.no.1, size= 52 o. d. x 42 i.d. x 16 thk. & conforming to str.no. wd 04 nylon bush 2002 [ warranty period: 30 months after the date of delivery ] ] => limited...

Western Railway - Gujarat

45031740 supply of brake gear bush for icfcoaches as per rdso sk 81039, alt. 15,and item no. 2 (42+0.35 /+0.15x 32+0.2/ 0.1x20+0.0/ 0.5 mm long) and material conforming to rdso specn.no. c k 605 (rev. 3) april 2023 or rdso specn. no. rdso/2009/cg 17, (rev 3)of april 2023 [ warranty period: 24 months after the date of delivery ] [quantity tolerance (+/ ): 5 %age , item category : normal , total po value variation permitted: max 8 lacs ] ] amm(c&w)prtn, wr gujarat 12685.00 numbers...

Western Railway - Gujarat

44991426 supply of under frame brake gear bush size (mm) 62 o.d x 52 i.d x 30 longunder frame brake gear bush size (mm) 62 o.d x 52 i.d x 30 long,under frame brake gear bush size (mm) 62 o.d x 52 i.d x 30 long to rdso drg. no. wd 86006 s1, alt 4 , item 4, & material conformi ng to str.no. wd 04 nylon bush 02 read with latest amendments. [ warranty period: 30 months after the date of delivery ] [quantity tolerance (+/ ): 5 %age , item category : normal , total po value variation permitted: max 8 lacs ] ] => limited...

Western Railway - Gujarat

44284716 supply of brake gear bush for icf coaches.brake gear bush for icf coaches.,brake gear bush for icf coaches as per rdso sk 810239, alt 15 and item no.11(32+0.35/+0.15 x 23+0.2/ 0.1x20+0.0/ 0.5 mm long) and material conforming to rdso specn. no. c k 605(rev. 3) april 2023 o r rdso specn. no. rdso/2009/cg 17, (rev 3) of april 2023. [ warranty period: 24 months after the date o f delivery ] amm(c&w)prtn, wr gujarat 1362.00 numbers...

Western Railway - Gujarat

44161409 supply of brake gear bush for icf coaches.brake gear bush for icf coaches.,brake gear bush for icf coaches as per rdso sk 81039, alt. 15, and item no. 3(42+0.35/+0.15 x 32+0.2/ 0.1 x 32 +0.0/ 0.5 mm long) and material conforming to rdso specn.no. c k 605 (rev. 3) of april 2 023 or rdso specn. no. rdso/2009/cg 17, (rev 3) of april 2023 [ warranty period: 24 months after th e date of delivery ]...

Western Railway - Gujarat

43493309 supply of bush for under frame brake gearbush for under frame brake gear,bush for under frame brake gear od 38 mm x id 26 mm x 12 mm thick as per i rs part drg. no. w/bu165 alt.1 [ warranty period: 30 months after the date of delivery ]...

Western Railway - Gujarat

43299199 supply of bush 42x32x20mm long for brake gearbush 42x32x20mm long for brake gear,bush 42x32x20mm long for brake gear of icf coaches item 2 of rdso sk 8103 9 alt.15 rdso spec.rdso/2009/cg 17, rev.1 of june 2011 (hppa) (or) rdso spec.c k 605, rev. 1 of aug.09 with amendment no.1 of mar.10 (self lubricated polyester resin). as per drg .no. sk 81039 specn: c k605. (rev 1) amend.no.1 of march 2010 (or latest) or spec.no. rdso/ 2009/cg 17/ (rev 1) of june 20 [ warranty period: 30 months after the date of delivery ] => limited...

Western Railway - Gujarat

43006225 supply of nylon 66 bogie brake gear bush to rdso drg. no. wd 86006 s 1, alt.no.4, bush at sr.no.10, size= 70 o.d. x 60 i.d. x 20 mm. long & conforming to rdso str. no. wd 04 nylon bushes 2002. [ war ranty period: 30 months after the date of delivery ] ...

Western Railway - Gujarat

41634364 supply of under frame brake gear bush size ( mm ) 62 o.d x 52 i.d x 30 long to rdso drg. no. wd 86006 s 1, alt 4, item 4, & material conforming to str. no. wd 04 nylon bush 2002. [ warranty period: 30 months after the date of delivery ] ...

Western Railway - Gujarat

39550912 supply of hppa brake gear bush for bogie alternator bracket for nac bogie to icf drg. no.t 0 3 813, alt. b / nil, item no. 2 rdso specn. no. rdso / 2009 / cg 17, ( rev 2 ) of september 2017. [ warranty period: 24 months after the date of delivery ] ...

Western Railway - Gujarat

38055347 supply of brake gear bush for icf coaches as per rdso sk 81039, alt. 15, and item no. 11 ( 32+0.35 / +0.15 x 23+0.2 / 0.1 x 20 +0.0 / 0.5 mm long ) and material conforming to rdso specn.no. c k 605 ( rev. 2 ) july 2019 or rdso specn. no. rdso / 2009 / cg 17, ( rev 2 ) of september 2017. [ warranty period: 24 months after the date of delivery ] amm ( w ) bvp , wr gujarat 11550.00 numbers...

Western Railway - Gujarat

36256009 supply of brake gear bushbrake gear bush,brake gear bush for icf coaches as per rdso sk 81039, alt. 15, and item no. 2 (42+0.35 /+0.15 x 32+0.2 / 0.1 x 20 +0.0 / 0.5 mm long) and material conforming to rdso specn.no. c k 605 (rev. 2) july 2019 or rdso specn. no. rdso/2009/cg 17, (rev 2) of september 2017 [ warranty period: 30 months after the date of delivery] amm(c&w)prtn , wr gujarat 4156.00 numbers...

Western Railway - Gujarat

35620881 supply of nylon 66nylon 66, nylon 66 bogie brake gear bushes to rdso drg. no. wd 86006 s 1, alt.no.4, bogie brake gear bush at sr.no.10, size= 70 o.d. x 60 i.d. x 20 mm. long & conforming to rdso str .no. wd 04 nylon bushes 2002, read with latest amendments. [ warranty period: 30 months after the date of delivery ] ...

Western Railway - Gujarat

35620555 supply of nylon 66 bogie brake gear bushesnylon 66 bogie brake gear bushes, nylon 66 bogie brake gear bushes to rdso drg. no. wd 86006 s 1, alt.no.4, bogie brake gear bush at sr.no.8, size ( mm ) = 42 o.d. x 36 i.d. x 15 long & conforming to str. no. wd 04 nylon bushes 2002 [ warranty period: 30 months after the date of delivery ] ...

Western Railway - Gujarat

35620477 supply of nylon bushnylon bush, under frame brake gear bush size ( mm ) 52 o.d x 42 i.d x 16 thick to rdso drg. no. wd 86006 s 1, alt 4, item 1, & material conforming to str. no. wd 04 nylon bush 2002 [ warranty period: 30 months after the date of delivery ] ...

Western Railway - Gujarat

35612180 supply of nylon 66 bogie brake gearnylon 66 bogie brake gear, nylon 66 bogie brake gear bushes to rdso drg.no. wd 86006 s 1, alt.no.4, bogie brake gear bush at sr.no.8, size= 42 o.d. x 36 i.d. x 15 long & conforming to str.no. wd 04 nylon bushes2002 [ warranty period: 18 months after the date of delivery ] => limited...

Western Railway - Gujarat

34967481 supply of hppa brake gearhppa brake gear, hppa brake gear bush for bogie alternator bracket for nac bogie to icf drg. no. t 0 3 813, alt. b / nil, item no. 2 rdso specn. no. rdso / 2009 / cg 17, ( rev 2 ) of september 2017...

Western Railway - Gujarat

34711584 supply of nylon 66 bogie brake gear bushesnylon 66 bogie brake gear bushes, nylon 66 bogie brake gear bushes to rdso drg.no. wd 86006 s 1, alt.no.4, bogie brake gear bush at sr.no.8, size= 42 o.d. x 36 i.d. x 15 long & conforming to str.no. wd 04 nylon bushes2002 => limited...

Western Railway - Gujarat

33900583 supply of bush for underframe brake gearbush for underframe brake gear, bush for underframe brake gear as per drawing no w / bu / 2386 alt nil. size: 46mm*36mm*16mm. => limited...

Western Railway - Gujarat

32919772 supply of bush 32x 23 x 20 mm long for brake gearbush 32x 23 x 20 mm long for brake gear,bush 32x 23 x 20 mm long for brake gear of icf coaches item 11 of rdso drg no sk 81039 alt .15 rdso specn. no rdso /2009/cg 17 rev. 1 of june 2011 (hppa) (or) rdso spec. c k 605 rev. 1 of aug. 09 with amdt. no 1 of march10. (self lubricated polyester resin) as per drg.no. rdso drg no sk 81039 alt .15 specn: rdso specn. no rdso /2009/cg 17 rev. 1 of june 2011...

Western Railway - Gujarat

32610290 supply of brake gear bush for icf coachesbrake gear bush for icf coaches,brake gear bush for icf coaches as per rdso sk 81039, alt. 15, and item no. 11 (32+0.35/+0.15 x 23+0.2/ 0.1 x 20 +0.0/ 0.5 mm long) and material conforming to rdso specn.no. c k 605 (rev. 2) july 2019 or rdso specn. no. rdso/2009/cg 17, (rev 2) of september 2017. amm(c&w)prtn , wr gujarat 761.00 numbers...

Western Railway - Gujarat

32513389 supply of brake gear bush for icf coachesbrake gear bush for icf coaches,brake gear bush for icf coaches as per rdso sk 81039, alt. 15, and item no. 2 (42 +0.35 /+0.15 x 32 +0.2 / 0.1 x 20 +0.0 / 0.5 mm long) and material conforming to rdso specn.no. c k 605 (rev. 2) july 2019 or rdso specn. no. rdso/2009/cg 17, (rev 2) of september 2017....

Western Railway - Gujarat

30926233 supply of nylon 66nylon 66,nylon 66 bogie brake gear bushes to rdso drg.no. wd 86006 s 1, alt.no.4, bogie brake gear bush at sr.no.8, size= 42 o.d. x 36 i.d. x 15 long & conforming to str.no. wd 04 nylon bushes 2002...

Western Railway - Gujarat

30567804 supply of nylon 66nylon 66,nylon 66 bogie brake gear bushes to rdso drg.no. wd 86006 s 1, alt.no.4, bogie brake gear bush at sr.no.10, size= 70 o.d. x 60 i.d. x 20 mm. long & conforming to str.no. wd 04 nylon bushes 2002, read with latest amendments....

Western Railway - Gujarat

30374439 supply of underframe brake gear bushunderframe brake gear bush,under frame brake gear bush size (mm) 62 o.d x 52 i.d x 30 long to rdso drg. no. wd 86006 s 1, alt 4 , item 4, & material conforming to str.no. wd 04 nylon bush 02 read with latest amendments....

Western Railway - Gujarat

30351877 supply of bogie brake gear bushbogie brake gear bush,bogie brake gear bush size (mm) 62 o.d x 52 i.d x 16 long to rdso drg. no. wd 86006 s 1, alt 4, item 1, & material conforming to str. no. wd 04 nylon bush 02 with latest amendments....

Western Railway - Gujarat

30281584 supply of nylon 66 bogie brake gear bushesnylon 66 bogie brake gear bushes,nylon 66 bogie brake gear bushes to rdso drg.no. wd 86006 s 1,alt.no.4,bogie brake gear bush at sr. no.10,size=70 o.d. x 60 i.d. x 20 mm long & confirming to str.no.wd 04 nylon bushes 2002. specn: sk/140 65609 => limited...

Western Railway - Gujarat

30030504 supply of hppa brake gear bushhppa brake gear bush,hppa brake gear bush for bogie alternator bracket for nac bogie to icf drg. no. t 0 3 813,alt. b/nil, item no. 2 rdso specn. no. rdso/2009/cg 17, (rev 2) of september 2017....

Western Railway - Gujarat

29907834 supply of brake gear bushbrake gear bush,brake gear bush for icf coaches as per rdso sk 81039, alt. 15, and item no. 3 (42+0.35/+0.15x 32+0.2/ 0.1 x 32 +0.0/ 0.5 mm long) and material conforming to rdso specn.no. c k 605 (rev. 2) of august 2019 or rdso specn. no. rdso/2009/cg 17, (rev 2) of september 2017....

Western Railway - Gujarat

29585977 supply of brake gear bushbrake gear bush,brake gear bush for icf coaches as per rdso sk 81039, alt. 15, and item no. 2 (42+0.35 /+0.15x 32+0.2 / 0.1 x 20 +0.0 / 0.5 mm long) and material conforming to rdso specn.no. c k 605 (rev. 2) august 2019 or rdso specn. no. rdso/2009/cg 17, (rev 2) of september 2017....

Western Railway - Gujarat

26276883 supply of , under frame brake gear bush size (mm) 62 o.d x 52 i.d x 30 long to rdso drg.no. wd 86006 s 1, alt 4, item 4, & material conforming to str. no.wd 04 nylon bush 02...

Western Railway - Gujarat

26255131 supply of , nylon 66 bogie brake gear bushes to rdso drg.no. wd 86006 s 1, alt.no.4, bogie brake gear bush at sr.no.8, size= 42 o.d. x 36 i.d. x 15 long & conforming to str.no. wd 04 nylon bushes 2002...

Western Railway - Gujarat

26181835 supply of , bogie brake gear bush size (mm) 62 o.d x 52 i.d x 16 long to rdso drg. no. wd 86006 s 1, alt 4, item 1, & material conforming to str.no.wd 04 nylon bush 02...

Western Railway - Gujarat

26181827 supply of , nylon 66 bogie brake gear bushes to rdso drg. no. wd 86006 s 1, alt.no.4, bogie brake gear bush at sr.no.10, size = 70 o.d x 60 i.d. x 20 mm. long & conforming to str. no. wd 04 nylon bushe 2002...

Western Railway - Gujarat

26123605 supply of , nylon bush for under frame brake gear to rdso drg no.wd 86006 s 1,alt.no.4, underframe brake gear bush at sr.no.1,size= 52 o.d.x 42 i.d.x 16 thk.& conforming to str.no. wd 04 nylon bush 2002....

Western Railway - Gujarat

26106422 supply of , hppa brake gear bush for bogie alternator bracket for nac bogie to icf drg. no. t 0 3 813, alt. b/nil & item no. 2, material conforming to rdso specn. no. rdso/2009/cg 17, (rev 2) of september 2017...

Western Railway - Gujarat

25973152 supply of , brake gear bush for icf coaches as per rdso sk 81039, alt. 15, and item no. 2 (42 x 32 x 20 mm long) and material conforming to rdso specn.no. c k 605 (rev. 2) august 2019 or rdso specn. no. rdso/2009/cg 17, (rev 2) of september 2017....

Western Railway - Gujarat

25545097 supply of , hppa brake gear bush for bogie alternator bracket for nac bogie to icf drg. no t 0 3 813 item no.2 or latest. as per drg.no. t 0 3 813 item no.2...

Western Railway - Gujarat

25347288 supply of , nylon bush for underframe brake gear to rdsos drg no. wd 86006 s 1, alt. no. 4, underframe brake gear bush at sr. no. 1, size= 52 o.d. x 42 i.d. x 16 thk & confirming to str. no. wd 04 nylon bushes 2002. spec: sk/140 65609., split cotter steel size 2x12x126 mm and drg. no.icf/emu/3 2 048 alt d/9 and specn: icf/md/008 rev 02 issue status 01....

Western Railway - Gujarat

24646716 supply of , nylon bush for underframe brake gear, to rdsos drg no.wd 86006 s 1,alt.no.4, underframe brake gear bush at sr.no.1,size= 52 o.d.x 42 i.d.x 16 thk.& confirming to str.no. wd 04 nylon bushes 2002. specn: sk/140 65609...

Western Railway - Gujarat

23601354 supply of , underframe brake gear bush size (mm) 62 o.d x 52 i.d x 30 long to rdso drg. no. wd 86006 s/1 alt.4 item no. 4 & material conforming to str no. wd 04 nylon bush 02,read with latest amendments....

Western Railway - Gujarat

23470199 supply of bush 32 x 23 x 20 mm, brake gear bush for icf coaches as per rdso sk 81039, alt. 15, and item no. 11 (32+0.35/+0.15 x 23+0.2/ 0.1 x 20+0.0/ 0.5 mm long) and material conforming to rdso specn. no. c k 605 (rev 2) august 2019 or rdso specn. no. rdso/2009/cg 17, (rev 2) of september 2017....

Western Railway - Gujarat

23204339 supply of nylon 66 bogie brake gear bushes, nylon 66 bogie brake gear bushes to rdso drg no wd 86006 s 1 alt.no.4 , bogie brake gear bush at s.no.8 size= 42 o.d x 36 i.d.x 15 long & conforming to str no.wd 04 nylon bushes 2002...