Department Of Space - Gujarat
45152453 tender for cryogenic deewar for 2x2 array of 4kx4k mosaic camera for 2.5m telescope...
45152453 tender for cryogenic deewar for 2x2 array of 4kx4k mosaic camera for 2.5m telescope...
45100718 bids are invited for cryogenics control valve total quantity : 2...
45051385 tender for cryogenic deewar for 2x2 array of 4kx4k mosaic camera for 2.5m telescope...
44982928 tender for cryogenic deewar for 2x2 array of 4kx4k mosaic camera for 2.5m telescope...
44957130 tender for supply of temperature monitor along with temperature sensors for cryogenic application...
44882086 tender for cryogenic deewar for 2x2 array of 4kx4k mosaic camera for 2.5m telescope...
44746052 bids are invited for sheet of mli (multilayer insulation) for cryogenic application multi layer insulation total quantity : 2...
44572171 bids are invited for cryogenic sensors and heaters dt 670a bo silicon diode sensor, bo package, unclaibrated , htr 50 50w heater catridge, 50 w, 50 ohm , vft19 f, 19 pin vacuum feedthrough with flange , esf 2 5,silver epoxy, 2 g packs, qty. 5 , wal 32 250, non magnetic wire, 32 awg, 76 m , wdt 32 100,duo twist wire, 32 awg, 30 m , wqt 32 100, quad twist wire, 32 awg, 30 m total quantity : 21...
44562999 bids are invited for custom bid for services annual maintenance contract of lab equipments, 1 flame photometer 1 2 to be done 2 water bath 3 2 each to be done 3 vacuum pump 2 2 each 4 deep freezer 1 2 to be done 5 cryogenic bath 1 2 to be done 6 oven 2 2 each to be done 7 softener total quantity :...
44427869 tender for cryogenic deewar for 2x2 array of 4kx4k mosaic camera for 2.5m telescope...
44275102 bids are invited for cryogenic vessel (q3) total quantity : 2...
44154706 bids are invited for cryogenics plate fin heat exchanger(heliumhelium) , cryogenics plate fin heat exchanger(liquid nitrogenhelium) total quantity : 2...
44029249 bids are invited for temperature application mse temperaturecontroller , heatersforcryogenicandvacuumenvironment , temperaturesensorsforcryogenicandvacuum environment , epoxyforcryogenicandvaccumenvironment , vaccumfeedthroughconnector , connectorscompatiblefortemperaturecontroller , wireforcryogenicandvaccumenvironment , cable temperature sensors and accessories for cryogenic total quantity : 70...
43444126 bids are invited for cryogenic grease total quantity : 4...
43433419 bids are invited for mgf2 wollaston (optic axis 0 and 90) , mgf2 wollaston(optics axis 45 and 135) , stacked mgf2 plates for cryogenic testing mse total quantity : 4...
43214029 bids are invited for cryogenic pressure transducer ( q3 ) , spare cables and connectors ( q3 ) , spare sealing kit ( q3 ) mse total quantity : 14...
43184814 bids are invited for cryo pump cryogenic high vacuum pump ( q3 ) total quantity : 1...
43162285 tender for supply of cryogenic grade fiber glass epoxy rods cryogenic items & accessori es (vessels, dewar, super insulated line, valves etc.)_fiber glass epoxy rods for cryogenic application as per specification enclosed as annexure 1...
43146913 bids are invited for custom bid for services installation of displacement proximity vibration probes in one no cryogenic pump at ongc dahej plant total quantity :...
42448181 bids are invited for charcoal coating with cryogenic adhesive (q3) total quantity : 1...
42413393 bids are invited for cryogenic grease (q3) total quantity : 4...
42353082 bids are invited for custom bid for services installation of displacement proximity vibration probes in one no cryogenic pump at ongc dahej plant total quantity :...
42295295 tender for liquid oxygen pump spares under pr 33395848 33395848 00010 00010 300359016 poppet,p/n:46842 1,cold end assembly technical details name : sudhir mistry contact : email : 2 no poppet part no : 46842 1 , major equipment : cold end assembly,35779 1 major equipment model : ndpd , major equipment make : item details : scope of tech.offer/inspection/guarantee/warranty for vendors: 1) vendor has to submit offer/quotation in line with speciifcation mentioned in rfq, any deviation in offer/quotation with respect to the enquiry may be lead for rejection of the offer/quotation. 2) in extreme case of any specific technical query supplier should visit the site before submitting their offer/quotation. 3) vendor to mention product make in their offer/quotation. 4) vendor to submit all test/quality certificates including internal/external inspection reports, mtc and pressure test certificate (which ever applicable) before dispatch of the material. 5) vendor has to provide qap along with guarantee or warranty of material (which ever applicable) along with their offer/quotation. item note : 2 33395848 00020 00020 300359019 fitting,p/n:46883 1,cold end assembly technical details name : sudhir mistry contact : email : 1 no fitting part no : 46883 1 , type : discharge major equipment : cold end assembly 35779 1 major equipment model : ndpd , major equipment make : item details : scope of tech.offer/inspection/guarantee/warranty for vendors: 1) vendor has to submit offer/quotation in line with speciifcation mentioned in rfq, any deviation in offer/quotation with respect to the enquiry may be lead for rejection of the offer/quotation. 2) in extreme case of any specific technical query supplier should visit the site before submitting their offer/quotation. 3) vendor to mention product make in their offer/quotation. 4) vendor to submit all test/quality certificates including internal/external inspection reports, mtc and pressure test certificate (which ever applicable) before dispatch of the material. 5) vendor has to provide qap along with guarantee or warranty of material (which ever applicable) along with their offer/quotation. item note : 3 33395848 00030 00030 300059873 ring,p/n:24960 1,cold end assy 35779 1 technical details name : sudhir mistry contact : email : 12 no ring part no. :24960 1 , type: piston ring major equipment: cold end assembly 35779 1 , major equipment model:ndpd major equipment make: , major equipment make : item details : scope of tech.offer/inspection/guarantee/warranty for vendors: 1) vendor has to submit offer/quotation in line with speciifcation mentioned in rfq, any deviation in offer/quotation with respect to the enquiry may be lead for rejection of the offer/quotation. 2) in extreme case of any specific technical query supplier should visit the site before submitting their offer/quotation. 3) vendor to mention product make in their offer/quotation. 4) vendor to submit all test/quality certificates including internal/external inspection reports, mtc and pressure test certificate (which ever applicable) before dispatch of the material. 5) vendor has to provide qap along with guarantee or warranty of material (which ever applicable) along with their offer/quotation. 33395848 00040 00040 300093325 nut,p/n:12976 1,cold end assy 35779 1 technical details name : sudhir mistry contact : email : 2 no nut part no. :12976 1 , type:packing major equipment: cold end assembly 35779 1 , major equipment model:ndpd major equipment make: item details : scope of tech.offer/inspection/guarantee/warranty for vendors: 1) vendor has to submit offer/quotation in line with speciifcation mentioned in rfq, any deviation in offer/quotation with respect to the enquiry may be lead for rejection of the offer/quotation. 2) in extreme case of any specific technical query supplier should visit the site before submitting their offer/quotation. 3) vendor to mention product make in their offer/quotation. 4) vendor to submit all test/quality certificates including internal/external inspection reports, mtc and pressure test certificate (which ever applicable) before dispatch of the material. 5) vendor has to provide qap along with guarantee or warranty of material (which ever applicable) along with their offer/quotation. item note : 5 33395848 00050 00050 300093326 spacer,p/n:12979 1,cold end assy 35779 1 technical details name : sudhir mistry contact : email : 6 no spacer part no. :12979 1 , major equipment: cold end assembly 35779 1 major equipment model:ndpd , major equipment make: item details : scope of tech.offer/inspection/guarantee/warranty for vendors: 1) vendor has to submit offer/quotation in line with speciifcation mentioned in rfq, any deviation in offer/quotation with respect to the enquiry may be lead for rejection of the offer/quotation. 2) in extreme case of any specific technical query supplier should visit the site before submitting their offer/quotation. 3) vendor to mention product make in their offer/quotation. 4) vendor to submit all test/quality certificates including internal/external inspection reports, mtc and pressure test certificate (which ever applicable) before dispatch of the material. 5) vendor has to provide qap along with guarantee or warranty of material (which ever applicable) along with their offer/quotation. item note : 6 33395848 00060 00060 300093327 spacer,p/n:12979 2,cold end assy 35779 1 technical details name : sudhir mistry contact : email : 2 no spacer part no. :12979 2 , major equipment: cold end assembly 35779 1 major equipment model:ndpd , major equipment make: item details : scope of tech.offer/inspection/guarantee/warranty for vendors: 33395848 00070 00070 300059875 ring,p/n:16209 1,cold end assy 35779 1 technical details name : sudhir mistry contact : email : 4 no ring part no. :16209 1 , type:rider ring major equipment: cold end assembly 35779 1 , major equipment model:ndpd major equipment make: item details : scope of tech.offer/inspection/guarantee/warranty for vendors: 1) vendor has to submit offer/quotation in line with speciifcation mentioned in rfq, any deviation in offer/quotation with respect to the enquiry may be lead for rejection of the offer/quotation. 2) in extreme case of any specific technical query supplier should visit the site before submitting their offer/quotation. 3) vendor to mention product make in their offer/quotation. 4) vendor to submit all test/quality certificates including internal/external inspection reports, mtc and pressure test certificate (which ever applicable) before dispatch of the material. 5) vendor has to provide qap along with guarantee or warranty of material (which ever applicable) along with their offer/quotation. item note : 8 33395848 00080 00080 300059876 piston,p/n:16272 1,cold end assy 35779 1 technical details name : sudhir mistry contact : email : 2 no piston part no. :16272 1 , major equipment: cold end assembly 35779 1 major equipment model:ndpd , major equipment make: item details : scope of tech.offer/inspection/guarantee/warranty for vendors: 1) vendor has to submit offer/quotation in line with speciifcation mentioned in rfq, any deviation in offer/quotation with respect to the enquiry may be lead for rejection of the offer/quotation. 2) in extreme case of any specific technical query supplier should visit the site before submitting their offer/quotation. 3) vendor to mention product make in their offer/quotation. 4) vendor to submit all test/quality certificates including internal/external inspection reports, mtc and pressure test certificate (which ever applicable) before dispatch of the material. 5) vendor has to provide qap along with guarantee or warranty of material (which ever applicable) along with their offer/quotation. item note : 9 33395848 00090 00090 300059882 valve,p/n:46920 1,cold end assy 35779 1 technical details name : sudhir mistry contact : email : 1 no valve part no. :46920 1 , type:suction major equipment: cold end assembly 35779 1 , major equipment model:ndpd major equipment make: 33395848 00100 00100 300093328 sleeve,p/n:25461 1,cold end assy35779 1 technical details name : sudhir mistry contact : email : 1 no sleeve part no. :25461 1 , major equipment: cold end assembly 35779 1 major equipment model:ndpd , major equipment make: item details : scope of tech.offer/inspection/guarantee/warranty for vendors: 1) vendor has to submit offer/quotation in line with speciifcation mentioned in rfq, any deviation in offer/quotation with respect to the enquiry may be lead for rejection of the offer/quotation. 2) in extreme case of any specific technical query supplier should visit the site before submitting their offer/quotation. 3) vendor to mention product make in their offer/quotation. 4) vendor to submit all test/quality certificates including internal/external inspection reports, mtc and pressure test certificate (which ever applicable) before dispatch of the material. 5) vendor has to provide qap along with guarantee or warranty of material (which ever applicable) along with their offer/quotation. item note : 11 33395848 00110 00110 300359023 spacer,p/n:15763 1,cold end assembly technical details name : sudhir mistry contact : email : 1 no spacer part no : 15763 1 , major equipment : cold end assembly 35779 1 major equipment model : ndpd , major equipment make : additional information : spacer hat seal item details : scope of tech.offer/inspection/guarantee/warranty for vendors: 1) vendor has to submit offer/quotation in line with speciifcation mentioned in rfq, any deviation in offer/quotation with respect to the enquiry may be lead for rejection of the offer/quotation. 2) in extreme case of any specific technical query supplier should visit the site before submitting their offer/quotation. 3) vendor to mention product make in their offer/quotation. 4) vendor to submit all test/quality certificates including internal/external inspection reports, mtc and pressure test certificate (which ever applicable) before dispatch of the material. 5) vendor has to provide qap along with guarantee or warranty of material (which ever applicable) along with their offer/quotation. item note : 12 33395848 00120 00120 300359673 ring,p/n:15767 1,f/cold end assy 35779 1 technical details name : sudhir mistry contact : email : 2 no ring part no : 15767 1 , major equipment : cold end assembly 35779 1 major equipment model : ndpd , major equipment make : item details : scope of tech.offer/inspection/guarantee/warranty for vendors: 1) vendor 33395848 00130 00130 300059877 seal,p/n:12978 2,cold end assy 35779 1 technical details name : sudhir mistry contact : email : 18 no seal part no. :12978 2 , type:hat seal major equipment: cold end assembly 35779 1 , major equipment model:ndpd major equipment make: item details : scope of tech.offer/inspection/guarantee/warranty for vendors: 1) vendor has to submit offer/quotation in line with speciifcation mentioned in rfq, any deviation in offer/quotation with respect to the enquiry may be lead for rejection of the offer/quotation. 2) in extreme case of any specific technical query supplier should visit the site before submitting their offer/quotation. 3) vendor to mention product make in their offer/quotation. 4) vendor to submit all test/quality certificates including internal/external inspection reports, mtc and pressure test certificate (which ever applicable) before dispatch of the material. 5) vendor has to provide qap along with guarantee or warranty of material (which ever applicable) along with their offer/quotation. item note : 14 33395848 00140 00140 300059878 gasket,p/n:15796 1,cold end assy 35779 1 technical details name : sudhir mistry contact : email : 2 no gasket part no. :15796 1 , major equipment: cold end assembly 35779 1 major equipment model:ndpd , major equipment make: item details : scope of tech.offer/inspection/guarantee/warranty for vendors: 1) vendor has to submit offer/quotation in line with speciifcation mentioned in rfq, any deviation in offer/quotation with respect to the enquiry may be lead for rejection of the offer/quotation. 2) in extreme case of any specific technical query supplier should visit the site before submitting their offer/quotation. 3) vendor to mention product make in their offer/quotation. 4) vendor to submit all test/quality certificates including internal/external inspection reports, mtc and pressure test certificate (which ever applicable) before dispatch of the material. 5) vendor has to provide qap along with guarantee or warranty of material (which ever applicable) along with their offer/quotation. item note : 15 33395848 00150 00150 300359676 screw,pn:15822 1,f/cold end assy 35779 1 technical details name : sudhir mistry contact : email : 6 no screw part no : 15822 1 , major equipment : cold end assembly 35779 1 major equipment model : ndpd , major equipment make : 33395848 00130 00130 300059877 seal,p/n:12978 2,cold end assy 35779 1 technical details name : sudhir mistry contact : email : 18 no seal part no. :12978 2 , type:hat seal major equipment: cold end assembly 35779 1 , major equipment model:ndpd major equipment make: item details : scope of tech.offer/inspection/guarantee/warranty for vendors: 1) vendor has to submit offer/quotation in line with speciifcation mentioned in rfq, any deviation in offer/quotation with respect to the enquiry may be lead for rejection of the offer/quotation. 2) in extreme case of any specific technical query supplier should visit the site before submitting their offer/quotation. 3) vendor to mention product make in their offer/quotation. 4) vendor to submit all test/quality certificates including internal/external inspection reports, mtc and pressure test certificate (which ever applicable) before dispatch of the material. 5) vendor has to provide qap along with guarantee or warranty of material (which ever applicable) along with their offer/quotation. item note : 14 33395848 00140 00140 300059878 gasket,p/n:15796 1,cold end assy 35779 1 technical details name : sudhir mistry contact : email : 2 no gasket part no. :15796 1 , major equipment: cold end assembly 35779 1 major equipment model:ndpd , major equipment make: item details : scope of tech.offer/inspection/guarantee/warranty for vendors: 1) vendor has to submit offer/quotation in line with speciifcation mentioned in rfq, any deviation in offer/quotation with respect to the enquiry may be lead for rejection of the offer/quotation. 2) in extreme case of any specific technical query supplier should visit the site before submitting their offer/quotation. 3) vendor to mention product make in their offer/quotation. 4) vendor to submit all test/quality certificates including internal/external inspection reports, mtc and pressure test certificate (which ever applicable) before dispatch of the material. 5) vendor has to provide qap along with guarantee or warranty of material (which ever applicable) along with their offer/quotation. item note : 15 33395848 00150 00150 300359676 screw,pn:15822 1,f/cold end assy 35779 1 technical details name : sudhir mistry contact : email : 6 no screw part no : 15822 1 , major equipment : cold end assembly 35779 1 major equipment model : ndpd , major equipment make : 33395848 00160 00160 300059879 ring,p/n:85017,cold end assy 35779 1 technical details name : sudhir mistry contact : email : 2 no ring part no. :85017 , type:retaining major equipment: cold end assembly 35779 1 , major equipment model:ndpd major equipment make: item details : scope of tech.offer/inspection/guarantee/warranty for vendors: 1) vendor has to submit offer/quotation in line with speciifcation mentioned in rfq, any deviation in offer/quotation with respect to the enquiry may be lead for rejection of the offer/quotation. 2) in extreme case of any specific technical query supplier should visit the site before submitting their offer/quotation. 3) vendor to mention product make in their offer/quotation. 4) vendor to submit all test/quality certificates including internal/external inspection reports, mtc and pressure test certificate (which ever applicable) before dispatch of the material. 5) vendor has to provide qap along with guarantee or warranty of material (which ever applicable) along with their offer/quotation. item note : 17 33395848 00170 00170 300059880 ring,p/n:86004,cold end assy 35779 1 technical details name : sudhir mistry contact : email : 3 no ring part no. :86004 , type:scrapper major equipment: cold end assembly 35779 1 , major equipment model:ndpd major equipment make: item details : scope of tech.offer/inspection/guarantee/warranty for vendors: 1) vendor has to submit offer/quotation in line with speciifcation mentioned in rfq, any deviation in offer/quotation with respect to the enquiry may be lead for rejection of the offer/quotation. 2) in extreme case of any specific technical query supplier should visit the site before submitting their offer/quotation. 3) vendor to mention product make in their offer/quotation. 4) vendor to submit all test/quality certificates including internal/external inspection reports, mtc and pressure test certificate (which ever applicable) before dispatch of the material. 5) vendor has to provide qap along with guarantee or warranty of material (which ever applicable) along with their offer/quotation. item note : 18 33395848 00180 00180 300059881 o ring,p/n:84028,cold end assy 35779 1 technical details name : sudhir mistry contact : email : 4 no o ring part no. :84028 , major equipment: cold end assembly 35779 1 major equipment model:ndpd , major equipment make: 33395848 00190 00190 300359681 screw set,p/n:99004 022,f/cold end assy technical details name : sudhir mistry contact : email : 2 no screw set part no : 99004 022 , major equipment : cold end assembly 35779 1 major equipment model : ndpd , major equipment make : item details : scope of tech.offer/inspection/guarantee/warranty for vendors: 1) vendor has to submit offer/quotation in line with speciifcation mentioned in rfq, any deviation in offer/quotation with respect to the enquiry may be lead for rejection of the offer/quotation. 2) in extreme case of any specific technical query supplier should visit the site before submitting their offer/quotation. 3) vendor to mention product make in their offer/quotation. 4) vendor to submit all test/quality certificates including internal/external inspection reports, mtc and pressure test certificate (which ever applicable) before dispatch of the material. 5) vendor has to provide qap along with guarantee or warranty of material (which ever applicable) along with their offer/quotation. item note : 20 33395848 00200 00200 300817538 fitting,p/n:35718 1,f/pump,ndpd30x20 technical details name : sudhir mistry contact : email : 2 no fitting part no : 35718 1 , type : discharge fitting major equipment : high pressure cryogenic pump major equipment model : ndpd 30x20 , major equipment make : additional information : for cold end assembly 35779 1 item details : scope of tech.offer/inspection/guarantee/warranty for vendors: 1) vendor has to submit offer/quotation in line with speciifcation mentioned in rfq, any deviation in offer/quotation with respect to the enquiry may be lead for rejection of the offer/quotation. 2) in extreme case of any specific technical query supplier should visit the site before submitting their offer/quotation. 3) vendor to mention product make in their offer/quotation. 4) vendor to submit all test/quality certificates including internal/external inspection reports, mtc and pressure test certificate (which ever applicable) before dispatch of the material. 5) vendor has to provide qap along with guarantee or warranty of material (which ever applicable) along with their offer/quotation. item note : 21 33395848 00210 00210 300817532 spring,p/n;10102 1,f/pump,ndpd30x20 technical details name : sudhir mistry contact : email : 2 no spring part no : 10102 1 , type : discharge major equipment : high pressure cryogenic pump major equipment model : ndpd 30x20 , major equipment make : additional information : for cold end assembly 35779 1 33395848 00220 00220 300817531 seat,p/n:15764 1,f/pump,ndpd30x20 technical details name : sudhir mistry contact : email : 2 no seat part no : 15764 1 , major equipment : high pressure cryogenic pump major equipment model : ndpd 30x20 , major equipment make : additional information : for cold end assembly 35779 1 item details : scope of tech.offer/inspection/guarantee/warranty for vendors: 1) vendor has to submit offer/quotation in line with speciifcation mentioned in rfq, any deviation in offer/quotation with respect to the enquiry may be lead for rejection of the offer/quotation. 2) in extreme case of any specific technical query supplier should visit the site before submitting their offer/quotation. 3) vendor to mention product make in their offer/quotation. 4) vendor to submit all test/quality certificates including internal/external inspection reports, mtc and pressure test certificate (which ever applicable) before dispatch of the material. 5) vendor has to provide qap along with guarantee or warranty of material (which ever applicable) along with their offer/quotation. item note : 23 33395848 00230 00230 300817540 screw,p/n:86015 065,f/pump,ndpd30x20 technical details name : sudhir mistry contact : email : 4 no screw part no : 86015 065 , type : screw cap major equipment : high pressure cryogenic pump major equipment model : ndpd30x20 , major equipment make : additional information : for drive assembly 46050 1 item details : scope of tech.offer/inspection/guarantee/warranty for vendors: 1) vendor has to submit offer/quotation in line with speciifcation mentioned in rfq, any deviation in offer/quotation with respect to the enquiry may be lead for rejection of the offer/quotation. 2) in extreme case of any specific technical query supplier should visit the site before submitting their offer/quotation. 3) vendor to mention product make in their offer/quotation. 4) vendor to submit all test/quality certificates including internal/external inspection reports, mtc and pressure test certificate (which ever applicable) before dispatch of the material. 5) vendor has to provide qap along with guarantee or warranty of material (which ever applicable) along with their offer/quotation. item note : 24 33395848 00240 00240 300817541 washer,p/n:86017 028,f/pump,ndpd30x20 technical details name : sudhir mistry contact : email : 4 no washer part no : 86017 028 , type : washer lock major equipment : high pressure cryogenic pump major equipment model : ndpd30x20 , major equipment make : additional information : for drive assembly 46050 1 33395848 00250 00250 300817533 screw,p/n:86015 064,f/pump,ndpd30x20 technical details name : sudhir mistry contact : email : 6 no screw part no : 86015 064 , type : screw cap major equipment : high pressure cryogenic pump major equipment model : ndpd 30x20 , major equipment make : additional information : for drive assembly 46050 1 item details : scope of tech.offer/inspection/guarantee/warranty for vendors: 1) vendor has to submit offer/quotation in line with speciifcation mentioned in rfq, any deviation in offer/quotation with respect to the enquiry may be lead for rejection of the offer/quotation. 2) in extreme case of any specific technical query supplier should visit the site before submitting their offer/quotation. 3) vendor to mention product make in their offer/quotation. 4) vendor to submit all test/quality certificates including internal/external inspection reports, mtc and pressure test certificate (which ever applicable) before dispatch of the material. 5) vendor has to provide qap along with guarantee or warranty of material (which ever applicable) along with their offer/quotation. item note : 26 33395848 00260 00260 300817535 washer,p/n:86017 026,f/pump,ndpd30x20 technical details name : sudhir mistry contact : email : 6 no washer part no : 86017 026 , major equipment : high pressure cryogenic pump major equipment model : ndpd 30x20 , major equipment make : additional information : drive assembly 46050 1 item details : scope of tech.offer/inspection/guarantee/warranty for vendors: 1) vendor has to submit offer/quotation in line with speciifcation mentioned in rfq, any deviation in offer/quotation with respect to the enquiry may be lead for rejection of the offer/quotation. 2) in extreme case of any specific technical query supplier should visit the site before submitting their offer/quotation. 3) vendor to mention product make in their offer/quotation. 4) vendor to submit all test/quality certificates including internal/external inspection reports, mtc and pressure test certificate (which ever applicable) before dispatch of the material. 5) vendor has to provide qap along with guarantee or warranty of material (which ever applicable) along with their offer/quotation. item note : 27 33395848 00270 00270 300548581 bushing,p/n:06325,f/pump,ndpd technical details name : sudhir mistry contact : email : 1 no bushing part no : 06325 , major equipment : high pressure cryogenic pump major equipment model : ndpd , major equipment make : additional information : drive assembly 46050 1 33395848 00280 00280 300817599 assy,piston & rod,35984 4,pump,ndpd30x20 technical details name : sudhir mistry contact : email : 3 no assembly assembly noun : crosshead piston and rod , part no : 35984 4 major equipment : high pressure cryogenic pump major equipment model : ndpd 30x20 , major equipment make : item details : scope of tech.offer/inspection/guarantee/warranty for vendors: 1) vendor has to submit offer/quotation in line with speciifcation mentioned in rfq, any deviation in offer/quotation with respect to the enquiry may be lead for rejection of the offer/quotation. 2) in extreme case of any specific technical query supplier should visit the site before submitting their offer/quotation. 3) vendor to mention product make in their offer/quotation. 4) vendor to submit all test/quality certificates including internal/external inspection reports, mtc and pressure test certificate (which ever applicable) before dispatch of the material. 5) vendor has to provide qap along with guarantee or warranty of material (which ever applicable) along with their offer/quotation. item note : 29 33395848 00290 00290 300548538 cover,p/n:47977 1,f/pump,ndpd technical details name : sudhir mistry contact : email : 4 no cover part no : 47977 1 , major equipment : high pressure cryogenic pump major equipment model : ndpd , major equipment make : additional information : drive assembly 46050 1 item details : scope of tech.offer/inspection/guarantee/warranty for vendors: 1) vendor has to submit offer/quotation in line with speciifcation mentioned in rfq, any deviation in offer/quotation with respect to the enquiry may be lead for rejection of the offer/quotation. 2) in extreme case of any specific technical query supplier should visit the site before submitting their offer/quotation. 3) vendor to mention product make in their offer/quotation. 4) vendor to submit all test/quality certificates including internal/external inspection reports, mtc and pressure test certificate (which ever applicable) before dispatch of the material. 5) vendor has to provide qap along with guarantee or warranty of material (which ever applicable) along with their offer/quotation. item note : 30 33395848 00300 00300 300548580 crankshaft,p/n:45172 2,f/pump,ndpd technical details name : sudhir mistry contact : email : 2 no crankshaft part no : 45172 2 , major equipment : high pressure cryogenic pump major equipment model : ndpd , major equipment make : additional information : drive assembly 46050 1 33395848 00310 00310 300548681 ring,p/n:85039 002,f/pump,ndpd technical details name : sudhir mistry contact : email : 4 no ring part no : 85039 002 , major equipment : high pressure cryogenic pump major equipment model : ndpd , major equipment make : additional information : drive assembly 46050 1 item details : scope of tech.offer/inspection/guarantee/warranty for vendors: 1) vendor has to submit offer/quotation in line with speciifcation mentioned in rfq, any deviation in offer/quotation with respect to the enquiry may be lead for rejection of the offer/quotation. 2) in extreme case of any specific technical query supplier should visit the site before submitting their offer/quotation. 3) vendor to mention product make in their offer/quotation. 4) vendor to submit all test/quality certificates including internal/external inspection reports, mtc and pressure test certificate (which ever applicable) before dispatch of the material. 5) vendor has to provide qap along with guarantee or warranty of material (which ever applicable) along with their offer/quotation. item note : 32 33395848 00320 00320 300817542 spacer,p/n:47468 1,f/pump,ndpd30x20 technical details name : sudhir mistry contact : email : 4 no spacer part no : 47468 1 , type : spacer,bearing major equipment : high pressure cryogenic pump major equipment model : ndpd30x20 , major equipment make : additional information : for drive assembly 46050 1 item details : scope of tech.offer/inspection/guarantee/warranty for vendors: 1) vendor has to submit offer/quotation in line with speciifcation mentioned in rfq, any deviation in offer/quotation with respect to the enquiry may be lead for rejection of the offer/quotation. 2) in extreme case of any specific technical query supplier should visit the site before submitting their offer/quotation. 3) vendor to mention product make in their offer/quotation. 4) vendor to submit all test/quality certificates including internal/external inspection reports, mtc and pressure test certificate (which ever applicable) before dispatch of the material. 5) vendor has to provide qap along with guarantee or warranty of material (which ever applicable) along with their offer/quotation. item note : 33 33395848 00330 00330 300548595 bearing,p/n:48439 1,f/pump,ndpd technical details name : sudhir mistry contact : email : 2 no bearing part no : 48439 1 , major equipment : high pressure cryogenic pump major equipment make : additional information : drive assembly 46050 1, major equipment model: ndpd 33395848 00340 00340 300548671 seal,p/n:87106 001,f/pump,ndpd technical details name : sudhir mistry contact : email : 6 no seal part no : 87106 001 , major equipment : high pressure cryogenic pump major equipment model : ndpd , major equipment make : additional information : drive assembly 46050 1 item details : scope of tech.offer/inspection/guarantee/warranty for vendors: 1) vendor has to submit offer/quotation in line with speciifcation mentioned in rfq, any deviation in offer/quotation with respect to the enquiry may be lead for rejection of the offer/quotation. 2) in extreme case of any specific technical query supplier should visit the site before submitting their offer/quotation. 3) vendor to mention product make in their offer/quotation. 4) vendor to submit all test/quality certificates including internal/external inspection reports, mtc and pressure test certificate (which ever applicable) before dispatch of the material. 5) vendor has to provide qap along with guarantee or warranty of material (which ever applicable) along with their offer/quotation. item note : 35 33395848 00350 00350 300548582 seal,p/n:87106 002,f/pump,ndpd technical details name : sudhir mistry contact : email : 6 no seal part no : 87106 002 , major equipment : high pressure cryogenic pump major equipment model : ndpd , major equipment make : additional information : drive assembly 46050 1 item details : scope of tech.offer/inspection/guarantee/warranty for vendors: 1) vendor has to submit offer/quotation in line with speciifcation mentioned in rfq, any deviation in offer/quotation with respect to the enquiry may be lead for rejection of the offer/quotation. 2) in extreme case of any specific technical query supplier should visit the site before submitting their offer/quotation. 3) vendor to mention product make in their offer/quotation. 4) vendor to submit all test/quality certificates including internal/external inspection reports, mtc and pressure test certificate (which ever applicable) before dispatch of the material. 5) vendor has to provide qap along with guarantee or warranty of material (which ever applicable) along with their offer/quotation. item note : 36 33395848 00360 00360 300548682 ring,p/n:85046 002,f/pump,ndpd technical details name : sudhir mistry contact : email : 4 no ring part no : 85046 002 , major equipment : high pressure cryogenic pump major equipment model : ndpd , major equipment make : additional information : drive assembly 46050 1 33395848 00370 00370 300548817 bearing,p/n:00766 005,f/pump,ndpd technical details name : sudhir mistry contact : email : 2 no bearing part no : 00766 005 , major equipment : high pressure cryogenic pump major equipment make : additional information : drive assembly 46050 1, pump model no: ndpd item details : scope of tech.offer/inspection/guarantee/warranty for vendors: 1) vendor has to submit offer/quotation in line with speciifcation mentioned in rfq, any deviation in offer/quotation with respect to the enquiry may be lead for rejection of the offer/quotation. 2) in extreme case of any specific technical query supplier should visit the site before submitting their offer/quotation. 3) vendor to mention product make in their offer/quotation. 4) vendor to submit all test/quality certificates including internal/external inspection reports, mtc and pressure test certificate (which ever applicable) before dispatch of the material. 5) vendor has to provide qap along with guarantee or warranty of material (which ever applicable) along with their offer/quotation. item note : 38 33395848 00380 00380 300548683 seal,p/n:87002 001,f/pump,ndpd technical details name : sudhir mistry contact : email : 2 no seal part no : 87002 001 , major equipment : high pressure cryogenic pump major equipment model : ndpd , major equipment make : additional information : drive assembly 46050 1 item details : scope of tech.offer/inspection/guarantee/warranty for vendors: 1) vendor has to submit offer/quotation in line with speciifcation mentioned in rfq, any deviation in offer/quotation with respect to the enquiry may be lead for rejection of the offer/quotation. 2) in extreme case of any specific technical query supplier should visit the site before submitting their offer/quotation. 3) vendor to mention product make in their offer/quotation. 4) vendor to submit all test/quality certificates including internal/external inspection reports, mtc and pressure test certificate (which ever applicable) before dispatch of the material. 5) vendor has to provide qap along with guarantee or warranty of material (which ever applicable) along with their offer/quotation. item note : 39 33395848 00390 00390 300548819 washer,p/n:25791 1,f/pump,ndpd technical details name : sudhir mistry contact : email : 2 no washer part no : 25791 1 , major equipment : high pressure cryogenic pump major equipment model : ndpd , major equipment make : additional information : for drive assembly 46050 1 pr no. pr item rfq item material / service no. quantity uom detail description other details 40 33395848 00400 00400 300548590 pin,p/n:20986 1,f/pump,ndpd technical details name : sudhir mistry contact : email : 3 no pin part no : 20986 1 , major equipment : high pressure cryogenic pump major equipment model : ndpd , major equipment make : additional information : drive assembly 46050 1 item details : scope of tech.offer/inspection/guarantee/warranty for vendors: 1) vendor has to submit offer/quotation in line with speciifcation mentioned in rfq, any deviation in offer/quotation with respect to the enquiry may be lead for rejection of the offer/quotation. 2) in extreme case of any specific technical query supplier should visit the site before submitting their offer/quotation. 3) vendor to mention product make in their offer/quotation. 4) vendor to submit all test/quality certificates including internal/external inspection reports, mtc and pressure test certificate (which ever applicable) before dispatch of the material. 5) vendor has to provide qap along with guarantee or warranty of material (which ever applicable) along with their offer/quotation. item note : 41 33395848 00410 00410 300548588 bearing,p/n:00724,f/pump,ndpd technical details name : sudhir mistry contact : email : 2 no bearing part no : 00724 , major equipment : high pressure cryogenic pump major equipment make : additional information : drive assembly 46050 1, major equipment model:ndpd item details : scope of tech.offer/inspection/guarantee/warranty for vendors: 1) vendor has to submit offer/quotation in line with speciifcation mentioned in rfq, any deviation in offer/quotation with respect to the enquiry may be lead for rejection of the offer/quotation. 2) in extreme case of any specific technical query supplier should visit the site before submitting their offer/quotation. 3) vendor to mention product make in their offer/quotation. 4) vendor to submit all test/quality certificates including internal/external inspection reports, mtc and pressure test certificate (which ever applicable) before dispatch of the material. 5) vendor has to provide qap along with guarantee or warranty of material (which ever applicable) along with their offer/quotation. item note : 42 33395848 00420 00420 300548596 bearing,p/n:00725,f/pump,ndpd technical details name : sudhir mistry contact : email : 2 no bearing part no : 00725 , major equipment : high pressure cryogenic pump major equipment make : additional information : drive assembly 46050 1, major equipment model: ndpd 33395848 00430 00430 300548687 grease,p/n:87903 12,f/pump,ndpd technical details name : sudhir mistry contact : email : 4 no grease part no : 87903 12 , major equipment : high pressure cryogenic pump major equipment model : ndpd , major equipment make : additional information : drive assembly 46050 1 item details : scope of tech.offer/inspection/guarantee/warranty for vendors: 1) vendor has to submit offer/quotation in line with speciifcation mentioned in rfq, any deviation in offer/quotation with respect to the enquiry may be lead for rejection of the offer/quotation. 2) in extreme case of any specific technical query supplier should visit the site before submitting their offer/quotation. 3) vendor to mention product make in their offer/quotation. 4) vendor to submit all test/quality certificates including internal/external inspection reports, mtc and pressure test certificate (which ever applicable) before dispatch of the material. 5) vendor has to provide qap along with guarantee or warranty of material (which ever applicable) along with their offer/quotation. item note : 44 33395848 00440 00440 300817536 belt,p/n:02077 005,f/pump,ndpd30x20 technical details name : sudhir mistry contact : email : 2 no belt part no : 02077 005 , major equipment : high pressure cryogenic pump major equipment model : ndpd 30x20 , major equipment make : item details : scope of tech.offer/inspection/guarantee/warranty for vendors: 1...
42128729 auction sale of scrap ms misc. u/s for railway use such as piston rod, hydraulic junction block, pn. cyl./brake cyl./brake chamber, sleeve/pin/cover, screen of bcm off size, vibration shaft, gear box off size, tamping arm, tooth bucket, tyne holder, swivel bearing, wear plate, flange off size, flywheel, engine crankcase ha 694, release hydraulic cylinder off size, control throttle (singal), bracket weld, switch pressure, coupling splined, clutch released yoke, ring retaining (external), kit repair for husco 5, frequency divider assy, rod adjusting weld, sprocket idler, valve pressure relief, control propelling, valve lock sae 6 ports, valve relief, pin, ring clutch drive, horn dual black enahel ai, motor hydroulic, valve manual 5 section, nut lock, washer lock, valve 2 pos 4 way, kit shaft seal gasket, gear 37 teeth & 29 inner teeth, troughing idlers, return idler, impact idler, sprocket weld, plow chisel, impact idler, motor, sheave, air desicent dartridge kit, bearing take up, ditcher wheel bearing, special bearing for pedestal, pillow block bearing, solenoid valve 24 v, joy stick, screen coupling, collar shifter, tooth holder, clutch assy, valve section v 40, pump piston variable, sprocket 80 tpl 22 tooth, swivel 7 channel (tie crane), sprocket idler (tie crane), chain roller no.80 single (tie crane), oil cooler assy, slope plate, air cyl.engg. disengg., pulley take up cross conveyor, hyd. pressure gauge set, air valve throttle, swivel unit ditcher wheel, check valve screen, alternator 24 v 220v, cyl. d/w tilt, cyl. d/w tilt, cup bearing, cone bearing, test hose kit ksc, horn valve, sprocket for ditcher wheel, coupling for shaker screen, valve bank cmx 160, link connecting cottered, drive shaf, maximum torque valve, control transmission, arm 16 panto, blade 14 panto, chain roller no.60 double, bearing take up, sleeve high range, released unusable t&p items like fire extinguishor with tero bucket, portable tyre inflator, piston ring compressor, adjentable auto wrench, branch drill stand, circlip plier, drill sleeve, hand gripper (ratchet), gearet sheering m/c, elgi auto service unit,tray steel, porta filter, cyl. spare of extracting device, air compressor, hyd.pump spare of extracting device, hand grinder, hand drill m/c, r.e. telephone, feelar gauge, grease gun, vernier caliper, torque wranch, stud remover, carbite tip, cryoseal cryogenic container, dcp type fire extinguisher,cutter,fire bucket,cupboard, ms bins,rack w/s made,padlock off size, dip lorry, hydraulic puller attachment,washer pump,ring spanner, caliper inside & outside, tommy bar, portable electric drill m/c, hand lorry two wheeler,puller adjustable, reamer adjustable, handle for reamer, hook spanner, adjustable high speed expanding reamer, m.s. trays off size, macmen vertical cylinder boring machine, metal shelving rack, steel lockers cabinet with 36/12/08,lockers, bench vice no.12, bench vice no.08, hyd puller set 60 tonne, hyd puller set 15 tonne etc., misc. scrap like nut, bolt, frame, motor/pump body, chisel, cutting plate, piston screw, pump shaft, spacer ring, gear ring, sprocket, bearing cover, released spares of overhauling of mwm engine etc. custodian: sse zmc bl, location : zonal maintenance centre bl, qty appx. 10mt, mode of delivery by actual weight in mt, loading by purchaser, to be sale on as and where is basis, note: 1] purchasers are requested to see the lot/site before bidding. 2] cutting is permited if required, 3] fdp 50 days . (zmc bl 18)...
41749257 auction sale of lot no: lotsur/425 lot name: surplus disposal of protable cryogenic conrainer for liq. n2...
41294233 deployment of oem elliott ebara turbo machinery india pvt ltd, technical expert at kandla lpg import terminal for installation and commissioning of the in tank cryogenic pump repaired by elliot banglore...
41187969 auction sale of scrap ferrous unserviseable misc such as satellite axle bearing housing, piston rod, hydraulic junction block, gear shaft / shaft off size / axle, centralized lubrication system, pn. cyl./brake cyl./brake chamber, sleeve/pin/cover, screen of bcm off size, vibration shaft, gear box off size, tamping arm, accumulator, air dryer, tooth bucket, shock absorber, frm chain shovel, guide column, tyne holder, swivel bearing, air compressor (utv), wear plate, flange off size, flywheel, tamping unit frame of duo, deutz air compressor, cummins air compressor, crank shaft, fuel pump of ha 694 engine, drive shaft, pivot bearing assembly, coupling off size, oil sump of ha 694, gear ring, engine crankcase ha 694, hand testing pulley, starter off size, gudgeon pin, water pump, damper, mwm compressor, release hydraulic cylinder off size, control throttle (singal), bracket weld, switch pressure coupling splined, clutch released yoke, ring retaining (external), kit repair for husco 5, frequency divider assy,rod adjusting weld, sprocket idler, valve pressure relief, control propelling, valve lock sae 6 ports, valve relief, pin, ring clutch drive, horn dual black enahel ai, motor hydroulic, valve manual 5 section, nut lock, swivel 7 channel (tie crane), sprocket idler (tie crane), chain roller no.80 single (tie crane), oil cooler assy, slope plate, air cyl.engg. disengg., pulley take up cross conveyor, hyd. pressure gauge set, air valve throttle, swivel unit ditcher wheel, check valve screen, alternator 24 v 220v, cyl. d/w tilt,cup bearing, cone bearing, test hose kit ksc, horn valve, sprocket for ditcher wheel, coupling for shaker screen, valve bank cmx 160, link connecting cottered, drive shaft, maximum torque valve, control transmission, arm 16 panto, blade 14 panto, chain roller no.60 double, bearing take up, sleeve high range, released unusable t&p items like fire extinguishor with tero bucket, portable tyre inflator, piston ring compressor, adjentable auto wrench, branch drill stand, circlip plier, drill sleeve, hand gripper (ratchet), gearet sheering m/c, elgi auto service unit,tray steel, porta filter, cyl. spare of extracting device, hyd.pump spare of extracting device, hand grinder, hand drill m/c, r.e. telephone, feelar gauge, grease gun, vernier caliper, torque wranch, stud remover, carbite tip, cryoseal cryogenic container, dcp type fire extinguisher, cutter, fire bucket, cupboard, ms bins, rack w/s made, padlock off size, dip lorry, hydraulic puller attachment, washer pump, ring spanner, caliper inside & outside, tommy bar, portable electric drill m/c, hand lorry two wheeler, puller adjustable, reamer adjustable, handle for reamer, hook spanner, adjustable high speed expanding reamer, m.s. trays off size, macmen vertical cylinder boring machine, metal shelving rack, steel lockers cabinet with 36/12/08 lockers, bench vice no.12, bench vice no.08, hyd puller set capacity 60 tonne, hyd puller set capacity 15 tonne etc., misc. scrap like nut, bolt, frame, motor/pump body, chisel, cutting plate, piston screw, pump shaft, spacer ring, gear ring, sprocket, bearing cover, released spares of overhauling of mwm engine., etc. total quantity : 20 mt , custodian: sse/zmc/c/bl, mode of delivery by actual weight in mt, location: scrap and engine store room at zonal maintenance centre valsad, to be sale on as is where is basis, ,loading by purchaser, note: 1] bidders are requested to see the lot/site before bidding , 2] cutting is permitted if necessary, 3] fdp 50 days, sse/zmc/bls lot no. zmc bl 16....
41169324 auction sale of scrap ferrous unserviceable misc. such as satellite axle bearing housing, piston rod, hydraulic junction block, gear shaft / shaft off size / axle, centralized lubrication system, pn. cyl./brake cyl./brake chamber, sleeve/pin/cover, screen of bcm off size, vibration shaft, gear box off size, tamping arm, accumulator, air dryer, tooth bucket, shock absorber, frm chain shovel, guide column, tyne holder, swivel bearing, air compressor (utv), wear plate, flange off size, flywheel, tamping unit frame of duo, deutz air compressor, cummins air compressor, crank shaft, fuel pump of ha 694 engine, drive shaft, pivot bearing assembly, coupling off size, oil sump of ha 694, gear ring, engine crankcase ha 694, hand testing pulley, starter off size, gudgeon pin, water pump, damper, mwm compressor, release hydraulic cylinder off size, control throttle (singal), bracket weld, switch pressure coupling splined, clutch released yoke, ring retaining (external), kit repair for husco 5, frequency divider assy, rod adjusting weld, sprocket idler, valve pressure relief, control propelling, valve lock sae 6 ports, valve relief, pin, ring clutch drive, horn dual black enahel ai, motor hydraulic, valve manual 5 section, nut lock, swivel 7 channel (tie crane), sprocket idler (tie crane), chain roller no.80 single (tie crane), oil cooler assy, slope plate, air cyl. engg. disengg., pulley take up cross conveyor, hyd. pressure gauge set, air valve throttle, swivel unit ditcher wheel, check valve screen, alternator 24 v 220v, cyl. d/w tilt,cup bearing, cone bearing, test hose kit ksc, horn valve, sprocket for ditcher wheel, coupling for shaker screen, valve bank cmx 160, link connecting cottered, drive shaft, maximum torque valve, control transmission, arm 16 panto, blade 14 panto, chain roller no.60 double, bearing take up, sleeve high range, released unusable t&p items like fire extinguisher with tero bucket, portable tyre inflator, piston ring compressor, adjentable auto wrench, branch drill stand, circlip plier, drill sleeve, hand gripper (ratchet), gearet sheering m/c, elgi auto service unit,tray steel, porta filter, cyl. spare of extracting device, hyd.pump spare of extracting device, hand grinder, hand drill m/c, r.e. telephone, feelar gauge, grease gun, vernier caliper, torque wranch, stud remover, carbite tip, cryoseal cryogenic container, dcp type fire extinguisher,cutter,fire bucket, cupboard, ms bins,rack w/s made,padlock off size, dip lorry, hydraulic puller attachment, washer pump,ring spanner, caliper inside & outside, tommy bar, portable electric drill m/c, hand lorry two wheeler,puller adjustable, reamer adjustable, handle for reamer, hook spanner, adjustable high speed expanding reamer, m.s. trays off size, macmen vertical cylinder boring machine, metal shelving rack, steel lockers cabinet with 36/12/08 lockers, bench vice no.12, bench vice no.08, hyd puller set capacity 60 tonne, hyd puller set capacity 15 tonne etc., misc. scrap like nut, bolt, frame, motor/pump body, chisel, cutting plate, piston screw, pump shaft, spacer ring, gear ring, sprocket, bearing cover, released spares of overhauling of mwm engine., etc. total quantity : 20 mt , custodian: sse/zmc/c/bl, mode of delivery by actual weight in mt, location: zonal maintenance centre valsad, to be sale on as is where is basis, ,loading by purchaser, note: 1] bidders are requested to see the lot/site before bidding , 2] cutting is permitted if necessary, 3] fdp 50 days, sse/zmc/bls lot no. zmc bl 16....
41123255 tender for “repairing and maintenance of different items in cryogenics lab of mechanical department in svnit campus, surat”...
40923696 tender for repairing and maintenance of different items in cryogenics lab of mechanical department in svnit campus, surat...
40785127 tender for “repairing and maintenance of different items in cryogenics lab of mechanical department in svnit campus, surat”...
40446008 repairing and maintenance of different items in cryogenics lab of mechanical department in svnit campus, surat....
40236562 supply of main cryogenic bearings nsk 6314hu1 nikkiso japan sixteen numbers ( 16 nos. ) for in tank cryogenic pump ebara usa make installed at kandla lpg import terminal....
39877078 bids are invited for dewar (liquid nitrogen containercryocan) with rubber rings, bottom pads and cylinder cap (q3) , 1 12 inch s. s. insulated vacuum jacketed(double braided) flexible cryogenic transfer hose length15ft (q3) , 1 12 inch s. s. insulated vacuum jacketed(double braided) flexible cryogenic transfer hose length 5ft (q3) total quantity : 25...
39722169 tender for cryogenic solenoid valves...
39620717 repair & maintenance of cryogenic tanker, serial no 1011921008 / 1 ( vehicle reg. no. mp13h0581 ) at workshop of inox india pvt. ltd., vadodara....
39444373 tender for supply of hydrocarbon based grease for cryogenic temperature application...
38920155 supply of laboratory items total item no 1 to 2692 ( part 8: item no 2317 to 2566) electrolyte reagent pack,deproteinizer,daily cleaner,cardiac control set which includes ck mb control and hstroponin i (attach complete kit literature with valid iso 13485 & ce mark or us.fda certificate of kit manufacturer ),multi calibrator sera for automated chemiluminiscence immunoassay based analyzer (normal level) (vendor must provide application sheets / msds and protocol for use of material. temperature, instrument and method specific data, values for all,multi calibrator sera for automated chemiluminiscence immunoassay based analyzer (higher level) (vendor must provide application sheets / msds and protocol for use of material. temperature, instrument and method specific data, values for all,preventive maintenance (pm) kit for mindray bs 430 (attach complete kit literature with valid iso 13485 & ce mark or us.fda certificate of kit manufacturer ),internal tubings for erba xl 640,reagent tray for erba xl 640,cuvette for erba xl 640,reagent probe r1,reagent probe r2,sample probe,stirrer,lamp,reagent probe r1,reagent probe r2,sample probe,stirrer,lamp,internal tubings for mindray bs 430,reagent tray for mindray bs 430,cuvettes for mindray bs 430,flow cell,flowcell,lamp,lamp,v plate,v plate,multi assay human sera based immunoassay controls kit for laboratory q.c. (attach complete kit literature with valid iso 13485 & ce mark or us.fda certificate of kit manufacturer ),auto pipette – fixed volume 10 µl,siemens rp 500 mcart lac (pack size 750 test),siemens wash/waste cartidge (pack size – 4/pk),siemens printer paper roll (pack size – 1/pk),siemens rapid qc level 1 (pack size – 30 ampules),siemens rapid qc level 2 (pack size – 30 ampules),siemens rapid qc level 3 (pack size – 30 ampules),concentrated wash buffer,pre trigger,trigger,reaction vessels( 8x 500),probe conditioning solution,adenosine deaminase,apolipoprotein a1,apolipoprotein b,antistreptolysin o ?* (c ),complement c3,complement c4,cholinesterase ** (c and q),c reactive protein,glucose 6 phosphate dehydrogenase,haemoglobin a1c #,homocysteine,immunoglobulin a,immunoglobulin g,immunoglobulin m,lipoprotein (a),microalbumin*(c),magnesium,phosphorus,rheumatoid factor ?* (c),transferrin,unsaturated iron binding capacity * ©,wash solution (cd 80),xn check/xn l check hematology quality control for sysmex 5 part xn550 (low,normal and high level),sysmex 5 part xn550 cellpack dcl,sysmex 5 part xn550 fluorocell wdf,sysmex 5 part xn550 cellclean,sysmex 5 part xn550 lysercell wdf,sysmex 5 part xn550 sulfolyser,eightcheck 3wp hematology quality control for sysmex 3 part xp300 (low,normal and high level),sysmex 3 part xp300 cellpack,sysmex 3 part xp300 stromatolyser wh,sysmex 3 part xp300 cellclean,mpo stain,nse stain,aspen hematology quality control for 3 parts,vaccumized blood collection tube – edta k3 4 ml,vaccumized blood collection tube – edta k3 5 ml,fluorocell ret for ipf ret 800a 12ml,cell pack dfl for ipf 1 1l x1,leukarts l blocks,rectangular tissue embedding cassette plastic,slide tray aluminium,slide staining rack,slide staining rack,slide staining rack,staining jar for histopathology staining,glass staining dishes for 20 slides staining dish with 10 grooves for carrying up to 20 standard microscope slides back to back ( horizontal coplin jar),glass staining dishes for 10 slides staining dish with 5 grooves for carrying up to 10 standard microscope slides back to back ( vertical coplin jar),trimming/grossing knife (260mm) with dispoable blade,trimming/grossing knife (130mm) with dispoable blade,blades for trimming/grossing knife (260mm),blades for trimming/grossing knife (130mm),cryoglue embedding media compatible with slee cryostat,glass marking diamond pencil for laboratory,alcohol resistant cryogenic permanent markers black,disposable microtome knife for slee microtome( 819 high profile),disposable microtome knife for slee microtome(819 low profile),paraffin wax pellets,methyl salicylate,specimen plastic containers 2 ltr,specimen plastic containers 1 ltr,specimen plastic containers 500ml,xylene,tissue marking and margin dye kit,acrylic colors green,acrylic colors green,acrylic colors green,acrylic colors blue,acrylic colors crimson,acrylic colors mauve,acrylic colors ultramarine,acrylic colors prussian blue,acrylic colors black,tissue embedding casette metal,reticulin stain kit,gms stain kit,mucicarmine stain,massons trichome stain,congo red,alcian blue,perls stain,specimen plastic containers 5 ltr,specimen plastic containers 10 ltr,specimen plastic containers 15 ltr,cytocentrifuge filter,cytocentrifuge funnel,cytocentrifuge clip,cytocentrifuge filter,cytocentrifuge funnel,cytocentrifuge clip,disposible syringe (10 cc),disposible needle (26 g) 25 mm,39 mm 22 gauge needle (disposible),bile salts,peptone powder,dextrose anhydrous extrapure,media dehydrated powder alkaline peptone water,media dehydrated powder bile esculin agar base,media ready made dca agar plate,media ready made indole nitrate broth,media ready made l j medium slant with ofloxacin 2 micrograms per ml,media ready made mr vp( glucose phosphate) broth,media ready made transport swab cary blair,media ready made transport swab thioglycolllate medium,media bile salt agar,media dehydrated powder chrom candida differential agar,media dehydrated powder brain heart infusion agar,media dehydrated powder brain heart infusion broth,media dehydrated powder deoxycholate citrate agar,media dehydrated powder glucose broth,media dehydrated powder mac conkey agar,media dehydrated powder mac conkey agar with crystal violet ,nacl & with 0.15% bile salts,media dehydrated powder mac conkey broth( double strength) with neutral red,media dehydrated powder mannitol salt agar,media dehydrated powder mueller hinton agar,media dehydrated powder nutrient agar,media dehydrated powder nutrient agar, 1.5%,media dehydrated powder nutrient broth,media dehydrated powder of basal medium,media dehydrated powder of basal medium,media dehydrated powder peptone bacteriological,media dehydrated powder peptone water,media dehydrated powder peptone water,media dehydrated powder phenyalanine agar,media dehydrated powder saborauds dextrose agar,media dehydrated powder saborauds dextrose agar modified ( emmons) + cc supplement,media dehydrated powder saborauds dextrose broth,media dehydrated powder salmonella shigella agar,media dehydrated powder simmons citrate agar,media dehydrated powder simmons citrate agar,media dehydrated powder sodium deoxycholate,media dehydrated powder sodium taurocholate,media dehydrated powder sugar with ph indicator adonitol,media dehydrated powder sugar with ph indicator arabinose,media dehydrated powder sugar with ph indicator cellobiose,media dehydrated powder sugar with ph indicator dextrose,media dehydrated powder sugar with ph indicator dulcitol,media dehydrated powder sugar with ph indicator fructose,media dehydrated powder sugar with ph indicator galactose,media dehydrated powder sugar with ph indicator inositol,media dehydrated powder sugar with ph indicator inulin,media dehydrated powder sugar with ph indicator lactose,media dehydrated powder sugar with ph indicator maltose,media dehydrated powder sugar with ph indicator mannitol,media dehydrated powder sugar with ph indicator mannose,media dehydrated powder sugar with ph indicator mellibiose,media dehydrated powder sugar with ph indicator raffinose,media dehydrated powder sugar with ph indicator rhamnose,media dehydrated powder sugar with ph indicator ribose,media dehydrated powder sugar with ph indicator salicin,media dehydrated powder sugar with ph indicator sorbitol,media dehydrated powder sugar with ph indicator sucrose,media dehydrated powder sugar with ph indicator trehalose,media dehydrated powder sugar with ph indicator xylose,media dehydrated powder taurocholate broth,media dehydrated powder tb broth base,media dehydrated powder tb broth base with tween 80,media dehydrated powder tcbs agar,media dehydrated powder tcbs agar,media dehydrated powder tellurite blood agar base+ hemoglobin powder + vitamino growth supplement + potassium tellurite 1% (1ml per vial),media dehydrated powder thayer martin medium base,media dehydrated powder thayer martin medium base + hemoglobin powder + gc supplement with antibiotics + vitamino growth supplement + vcn supplement + vcnt supplement,media dehydrated powder thioglycollate medium with heamin & vitamin k,media dehydrated powder transport cary blair medium without charcoal,media dehydrated powder transport stuart medium,media dehydrated powder triple sugar iron agar,media dehydrated powder triple sugar iron agar,media dehydrated powder urea agar base ( christensen),media dehydrated powder urea agar base ( christensen),media dehydrated powder urea agar base ( christensen) + urea 40%( 5ml per vial),media dehydrated powder urea agar base ( christensen) + urea 40%( 5ml per vial),media dehydrated powder wilson & blair agar base,media dehydrated powder wilson & blair agar with brilliant green,media dehydrated powder xylose lysine deoxycholate agar,media potassium tellurite 1% (1ml per vial),media ready made blood culture bottle for adult (large) fluid thioglycollate medium with 0.05 % sps,media ready made blood culture bottle biphasic for peadiatric (small) for for salmonella xld,mr vp medium(dehydrated),potato dextrose agar,yeast nitrogen base (dehydrated),sheep blood agar,sheep chocolate agar,tryptic soya agar supplemented with yeast extract,vit.k&hemin,bacteroids bile esculin agar base,egg yolk agar base,egg yolk emulsion,phenyl ethyl alcohol agar,thioglycolate medium with hemin & vit.k,vitamin k supplement,corn meal agar,corn meal agar,robertsons cooked meat broth,robertsons cooked meat broth,ornithine decarboxylate broth,lysine decarboxylate broth,lysine decarboxylate broth,arginine dehydrolase broth,arginine dehydrolase broth,candida agar for differentiation of candida albicans,gc agar base,vcnt supplement vial,aerobic blood culture bottle for peadiatric (small) fluid thioglycollate medium with 0.05 % sps,aerobic blood culture bottle for adult (large) fluid thioglycollate medium with 0.05 % sps,anaerobic blood culture bottle for peadiatric (small) fluid thioglycollate medium with 0.05 % sps,anaerobic blood culture bottle for adult (large) fluid thioglycollate medium with 0.05 % sps,fungal blood culture bottle for peadiatric (small) fluid thioglycollate medium with 0.05 % sps,funagl blood culture bottle for adult (large) fluid thioglycollate medium with 0.05 % sps,sterile swab stick with wooden shaft...
38830261 repairing of in tank cryogenic pump one ( 01 ) no. sr. no. 10115029 – 1 model no. 6ecr 152 at elliott ebara turbomachinery india pvt. ltd. for kandla lpg import terminalminal...
38818693 bids are invited for cryogenic suit and hand gloves cryogenic suit size s body protection cold suits , cryogenic suit size m body protection cold suits , cryogenic suit size l body protection cold suits a , cryogenic hand gloves size s its polar double insulation offers outstanding protection against the cold and rays , cryogenic hand gloves size m its polar double insulation offers outstanding protection against the cold and rays , cryogenic hand gloves size l its polar double insulation offers outstanding protection against the cold and rays total quantity : 7...
38691892 bids are invited for vacuum insulated bayonet coupling for cryogenic transfer line (q3) total quantity : 4...
38465266 procurement of safety relief valve procurement of safety relief valve and other spare parts of herose make for cryogenic tanks on delivery basis from m / s iwi cryogenic vaporisation systems, vadodara, gujarat , procurement of safety relief valve and other spare parts of herose make for cryogenic tanks on delivery basis , safety relief valve ( make – herose, type 6383, part no. 06383.1510.6000 ) set pressure 111 psig. ( inlet 1 “ male and outlet 1.25 “ female ) , safety relief valve ( make – herose, type 6383, part no. 06383.1510.6000 ) set pressure 125 psig ( inlet 1 “ male and outlet 1.25 “ female ) , sealing kit for valve dn 40 valve. part no. 30341.0400.0000. ( make – herose ) , disc assy ( brass ) dn 10 part no 28203.0100.0000 make herose , packing and freight...
38071314 tender for supply of surgical items ( part 2 ) sanitory ped ( napkins ) , scalp vein set size :23, scissors 5 †curved / striaght, scissors 6 †curved / striaght, scissors 8 †curved / striaght, surgical scissors currved / curved 6", surgical scissors currved / curved 8", surgical scissors currved / curved 12", fine scissors 6", fine scissors 8", fine scissors 12", surgical glover ortho, scoop, sidium hypochloride solution 5 %, silicon vaccum cap, simple rubber catheter size wise, sims spettula, skin stapler, skin stepler remover, sodalime 5 kg, sonography jelly, sponge holding forcep 10â€, sterile swab stick withtube, sterilized absorbable geletin sponge 7 8x5x1cm, stethoscope adult, stethoscope pad., stich remover surgical scisser, stich remover surgical scisser, stylate, stylate all size, stylate large, stylate medium, stylate small, suction cannula disposable, suction catheter as per all size & no., suction tip plastic, suction tube silicon, surgical sponge ( abgel ) , surgical suture needle cutting curved all size, surgical suture needle round body straight all size, surgical suture needle round body curved all size, suture polyglycolic acid no.1, suture polyglycolic acid no.1, syringe for medrad pressre injector 190 ml, three way stopcock, three way stopcock with extention line 100 cm, three way stopcock with extention line 150 cm, three way stopcock with extention line 50 cm, tissue paper rolls for laboratory use size: 10 cm x 42 mtr. ( 2 ply ) , tongue dipresser, tongue specula disposible, tooth less forcep size: 5", tooth less forcep size: 6", tooth less forcep size: 8", tooth forceps size: 5", tooth forceps size: 6", tooth forceps size: 8", tourniquet belt, tourniquit bag with cuff all size, tourniquit bag with cuff all size, towel clips, tracheostomy set, tracheostomy set, tracheostomy tube cuff, triple layer mask ( with noise clip ) , triple luman cvp cathetor ( cvp line ) , urine collection bag, urine port plastic, uterine holding forceps, uterine sound, utility gloves, vactis ( scrup for ent ) , vacutainer a line won abg, vaginal spectula, velfix t film ( tegadom ) , venisection scissors 5 â€, ventilator circuit, ventilator circuit pediatric, volselem forceps all size, weight machine digital 0.1 to 100 gm capacity, weight scale digital ( baby ) 20 kg capacity with top, weight scale digital 150 kg capacity, weight scale mannual ( baby ) 20 kg capacity with top, weight scale mannual 150 kg capacity, weight scale mannual 20 kg capacity, x ray developer 22.5 ltr., x ray fixer 22.5 ltr., x ray hardner 22.5 ltr., x ray film digital agfa size: 8â€x 10â€, x ray film digital carestream size: 8â€x 10â€, x ray hanger 8*10, x ray hanger 10*12, x ray hanger 12*15, x ray cassette with intensifying screen size 8x10 ( blue base ) , x ray cassette with intensifying screen size 8x10 ( blue base ) , x ray cassette with intensifying screen size 8x10 ( blue base ) , spatula wooden, cuscos speculum, pap smear spatula, c pap nasal mask, c pap cap no 25 to 29, autoclave machine coil 1.5 kw, autoclave machine coil 2 kw, pressure gauge for autoclave, safety valve for autoclave, vantilator oxygen sensor, vantilator flow sensor, vantilator flow sensor, disposable needle no 23x1.5, mercury for b.p.instrument, cytobrush for pap smear, ayers spatula, dermaband glue, ligaclip 5 mm multifire, intestinal occluder, intestinal crusher, intestinal stepler linear, intestinal stepler l size, monocryl 3 0, monocryl 4 0, cundum i.v.set, liquid medical oxygen for cryogenic oxygen tank 20000 liter...
36721057 supply of hollow shaft ferro magnetic fluid rotary feedthrough supply of hollow shaft ferro magnetic fluid rotary feedthrough, cryogenic ceramic break, feedthrough, vacuum flexible hose at institute for plasma research, gandhinagar as per the detailed specifications mentioned in the tender documents , supply of hollow shaft ferro magnetic fluid rotary feedthrough , supply of 3/8 inch cryogenic ceramic break , supply of 1/4 inch cryogenic ceramic break , supply of bnc feedthrough , supply of shv feedthrough , supply of 25kf vacuum flexible hose , supply of16 kf vacuum flexible hose , supply of 40 kf vacuum flexible hose...
36673018 bids are invited for cryogenic suit and hand gloves mse cryogenic suit size s body protection cold suits , cryogenic suit size m body protection cold suits , cryogenic suit size l body protection cold suits a , cryogenic hand gloves size s its polar double insulation offers outstanding protection against the cold and rays , cryogenic hand gloves size m its polar double insulation offers outstanding protection against the cold and rays , cryogenic hand gloves size l its polar double insulation offers outstanding protection against the cold and rays total quantity : 7...
36157169 bids are invited for cryogenic suit (q3) mse total quantity : 4...
35801441 work of overhauling, cryogenic cleaning & testing of 75 mw ukai hps unit no. 1, 2 & 3 generator stator & rotor. (emd hps...
35578232 extension tender for work of overhauling, cryogenic cleaning & testing of 75 mw ukai hps unit no. 1, 2 & 3 generator stator & rotor. (emd hps)...
35554031 bids are invited for cryogenic liquid nitrogen vertical storage tank total quantity :...
35339605 tender for supply, training & installation of dry cryogenic detection system at institute for plasma research, gandhinagar...