supply of laboratory items total item no 1 to 2692 ( part 9: item no 2567 to 2692) kit anti hav igm,antibiotic disc ceftazidime+ avibactum,antibiotic disc ceftarolin,antibiotic disc imipenem+relabactum,dermatophyte test medium,media dehydrated powder simmons citrate agar,media dehydrated powder triple sugar iron agar veg,media dehydrated powder urea broth base ( christensen),media dehydrated powder phenyl pyruvic acid agar,media glucose phosphatebroth,moeller decarboxylase base broth,motility, indole & h2s (mis) medium,latex agglutination test for bacterial meningitis panel,real time rtpcr kit primer and probe for detection of viral flu panel (inf a , inf b, h1n1, h3n2, adenovirus),real time rtpcr kit primer and probe for detection of bacterial pneumonia panel ( s. pneumoniae, h.influenzae,listeria spp.,chlamydia,mycoplasma),tpha kit hemagglutination assay,epsilometer e strip ceftraixone,epsilometer e strip azithromycin,holding rack for 2 ml.vial (plastic),enamel tray white,labolene,teepol solution for cleaning,discarding jar with lid glass 2000 ml,discarding jar with lid glass 1000 ml,discarding jar with lid glass 500 ml,aluminium rack for test tube of 18x150 mm size,aluminium rack for testtube for 18x150 mm size,aluminium rack for testtube for 18x150 mm size,whatman filter paper no 1,size 110 mm,chromogenic agar for screening of vancomycin resistant enterococci,durham’s tube glass tube,light green sf,phosphotungstic acid,chromotrope 2r,schaudinns fixative,pva fixative(formaline buffered fixative),tridot test for detection of hiv1 and hiv2 antibody,mfadyean stain(polychrome methylene blue),kala azar rapid igm+igg detection test,brucella rapid antibody detection test,cryptococcal antigen detection test,h.influenzae rapid latex agglutination test,streptococcus pyogens rapid test,kit dengue antibody igg,immunofluorescence elisa test for ana,galactomannan lateral flow assay test,pneumococcus rapid antigen detection test,yeast nitrogen base agar,cards for gram positive microorganism compatible with automated identification & antimicrobial susceptilibility system,cards for gram negative microorganism compatible with automated identification & antimicrobial susceptilibility system,cards for gram positive microorganism sensitivity pattern compatible with automated identification & antimicrobial susceptilibility system,cards for gram negative microorganism sensitivity pattern compatible with automated identification & antimicrobial susceptilibility system,cards for yeast identification compatible with automated identification & antimicrobial susceptilibility system,cards for yeast sensitivity pattern compatible with automated identification & antimicrobial susceptilibility system,s.s.(steel) rack for test tubes(8 rows each of 12 holes),aluminium rack for test tubes(5 rows each of 20 holes),cuvatte for haemoque,compodock counter,carbon biotips 1100ul,groupa2lys (diagast –qwalys 3),screenlys (diagast qwalys 3),screenlys (diagast qwalys 3) 11,duolys (diagast qwalys 3) with free supply of required quality controls hema cqi for qwalys diagast,reaction plates for neo machine of immucor,anti a for neo machine of immucor,anti b for neo machine of immucor,anti ab for neo machine of immucor,anti d for series 5 neo machine of immucor,anti d for neo machine of immucor,monoclonal ctrl for neo machine of immucor,ref cells a1b for neo machine of immucor,diluent for neo machine of immucor,phosphate buffer for neo machine of immucor,pool plate antibody screening (pooled cell) for plate for neo machine of immucormethod,indicator cells for neo machine of immucor,liss for neo machine of immucor,control set a1b for neo machine of immucor,select plate for crossmatchining for neo machine of immucor,indicator cell for crossmatching by plate method suitable for neo machine of immucor,liss for crossmatching by plate method suitable for neo machine of immucor,3 cell panel for neo machine of immucor,indicator cells ( antibody screening ( 3 cell ) by plate method) suitable for neo machine of immucor,liss( antibody screening ( 3 cell ) by plate method),weak d cells for neo machine of immucor,control cells for neo machine of immucor,plate for 4 cell antibody screen for neo machine of immucor,indicator cell for antibody screening by 4 cell panel by plate method suitable for neo machine of i,liss for antibody screening by 4 cell panel by plate method suitable for neo machine of immucor,14 cell p/s/t antibody identification panel for neo machine of immucor,indicator cells for antibody screening by 14 cell panel by plate method suitable for neo machine of immucor,liss for antibody screening by 14 cell panel by plate method suitable for neo machine of immucor,complement control cells for neo machine of immucor,anti c for neo machine of immucor,anti e for neo machine of immucor,anti little e for neo machine of immucor,anti little c for neo machine of immucor,kit for variant ii bts 500t with cat. number 2702154 (bio rad laboratory india pvt. ltd ),lyphochek hemoglobin a2 control (variant ii bts 500t with cat. number 2702154 (bio rad laboratory india pvt. ltd,adsorption kit for warm autoantibody,adsorption kit for cold autoantibody,acid elution kit,edta glycine elution kit,sta fibrinogen,rapid sickling test kit,antibody identification twenty cells panel,malaria elisa kit,syphillis elisa test kit,single blood bag (350 ml),single blood bag (450 ml),triple blood bag (350 ml) without additive solution with needle injury protector, sample pouch and luer adapter,triple blood bag (450 ml) without additive solution with needle injury protector, sample pouch and luer adapter,triple blood bag (350 ml) with additive solution with needle injury protector, sample pouch and luer adapter,triple blood bag (450 ml) with additive solution with sample pouch with needle injury protector and luer adapter,quadruple blood bag (350 ml) top and bottom with additive solution with needle injury protector, sample pouch and luer adapter,quadruple blood bag (450 ml) top and top with additive solution with sample pouch and needle injury protector and luer adapter,quadruple blood bag (450 ml) top and bottom with sample pouch with needle injury protector, and luer adapter,penta blood bag (450 ml) top and bottom with additive solution with sample pouch with in line leukocyte reduction filter and needle injury protector, and luer adapter,double blood bags(350ml) without additive solution,double blood bags 350ml with additive solution,double blood bag (450 ml) without additive solution,double blood bags 450ml with additive solution,quadruple blood bag (450 ml) top and top with additive solution with sample pouch with in line leukocyte reduction filter and needle injury protector and luer adapter,transfer bags 100 ml capacity,transfer bags 300 ml capacity,red cell leukodepletion filters with attached transfer bag lab side,platelet leukodepletion filters lab side...
Due Date : August 17, 2023
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