Supply Of Laboratory Test-1 Abg Analysis 2 Ada 3 Amh 4 Ana If 5 Anti Cardiolipin Antibody Igg And Igm 6 Anti Ccp 7 Anti Ds Dna 8 Anti Hepatitis A Igm 9 Anti Thyroglobullin 10 Anti Tpo Thyroid 11 Ascites Fluid Routine, Micro, Afb 12 Ascitic Fluid Culture And Sensitivity Test 13 Aso Titre 14 Beta Hcg 15 Blood Culture For Pyogenic Organism 16 Blood Culture For S.Typhi 17 Blood Urea 18 Brucella Igg & Igm 19 Brucella Igm 20 Brucella Slide Method 21 Chikungunya Test 22 Cholinesterase Level 23 Ckmb 24 Complete Blood Count 25 Coomb’S Test Direct Indirect 26 Cpk Total 27 Crp Quantitative 28 Csf Routine, Micro, Afb 29 Csf Culture And Sensitivity Test 30 D Dimer Test 31 Egfr 32 Electrophoresis Test 33 Esr 34 Fdp 35 Fsh 36 Gamma Gt 37 Hanging Drop For V. Cholera 38 Hba1c 39 Hbsag Elisa 40 Hbsag Pcr 41 Hcv Elisa 42 Hcv Pcr 43 Histopathology Large 44 Histopathology Medium 45 Histopathology Small 46 Hiv Elisa 47 Homocystin Level 48 Il6 Interleukin 6 Test 49 Ionized Calcium 50 La Titre 51 Ldh 52 Lh 53 Lipid Profile 54 Parathyroid Hormone 55 Peripheral Smear Morphology 56 Platelet Count 57 Pleural Fluid Routine, Micro, Afb Test 58 Pleural Fluid Culture And Sensitivity Test 59 Prolactin 60 Protein Electrophoresis 61 Psa 62 Ra Factor Quantitative 63 Reticulocyte Count 64 Serum Uibc 65 Serum Testosterone 66 Semen Analysis 67 Serum Ferritin 68 Serum Acetone 69 Serum Alkaline Phosphotase 70 Serum Amylase 71 Serum B12 72 Serum Bicarbonate 73 Serum Calcium 74 Serum Creatinine 75 Serum Electrolytes Sodium Potassium And 76 Scehrluomri Edlee ) Ctrolytes Sodium Potassium And 77 Scehrluomri Fdoel Aicn D Bicarbonate Test 78 Serum Free T3 T4 Tsh 79 Serum Iron 80 Serum Lipase 81 Serum Phosphorous 82 Serum Protein 83 Serum T3 T4 Tsh 84 Serum Tibc 85 Serum Tsh 86 Serum Uric Acid 87 Sgot 88 Sgpt 89 Stool For Occult Blood 90 Thelassemia Test 91 Torch Igg And Igm 92 Transferrin Saturation 93 Troponin I Test 94 Troponin I Quantitative Test 95 Urine Culture 96 Vdrl Syphilis 97 Vitamin D Total 98 Vitamin D3
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